Yogis practice Neti for thousands of years, and modern medicine is beginning to reap the benefits. Basically, it's a cleaning like any other. We shower, we use bidets, we brush our teeth. So why not maintain our nose, one of the most important parts of the body?
At least since Oprah Winfrey on her show Gance Neti life, at least it's all the rage in America.
Nostrils filter between the atmosphere and our bodies. They filter clean, cool or warm the air that we breathe. Also the reason why you always in yoga breathing through the nose. Every day we inhale 18,000 to 20,000 times. Many contaminants are already explored in the nose and so kept out of our lungs. Rinsing will cleanse our nostrils of these dirt particles and stimulates our nasal mucosa.
There are two forms of Yoga Neti:
Jala Neti, in which the nose is cleaned with warm water and Nete Sutra, in which the nose is cleaned with a wire or catheter. Since I myself exclusively Jala Neti practice, I go here specifically addresses these variant.
When I first heard of this "clean technology", which is also described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, I found it all a bit strange. I did not realize how many people do Neti. By the way, even people who do not practice yoga, here we speak not only of but of Neti nasal cleansing. So I tried it and has never left it.

Neti stimulates circulation, removes mucus and leads to a healthy nasal passages and also proven to healthy sinuses.
I practice Neti almost daily. Then one feels clean, revitalized and clear. Especially good is that if you want to practice Pranayama (breathing exercises) and to fight colds and allergies has. Every now and then the flying or staying in air-conditioned spaces characterize this feeling of a totally dry nose. Here, too, Neti is very pleasant to moisten the nose.
Although at first sounds strange, but try it a try. Is not nearly as bad as it sounds and does the nose just fine.
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