How to Overcome Disease in Men and Women hernia - hernia in general in pain in men it can also be experienced in women and girls, how to cope and heal hernia apparently many are looking for, and the fact that not only women but men and women only can also spread to the children, now it turns out that many many people do not apply healthy living tips that should always be maintained, after a search search on fb turns out there are friends who discuss issues and provide tips hernia treatment and early detection methods,

Part hernia consists of rings, bags, and the hernia contents itself. The contents of the intestinal hernia, ovarian, and colon tissue buffer (omentum). If there is a weak part of the muscle layers of the abdominal wall, the colon can get out to where it should not, that could be the diaphragm (the boundary between the stomach and chest), could in the groin, or in the navel. Generally hernia does not cause pain. However, it will feel pain when the contents of the hernia ring sandwiched by a hernia. Infections caused by the hernia causing the patient great pain, and infection eventually spread and poison the whole body. If it happens under such circumstances, it should be treated by a doctor because it can be life threatening penderita.Hernia can occur at all ages, both young and old. In children or infants, are more often caused by defective procesus vaginalis to close due to falling testes or testicles. Usually the hernia is often affected infants or boys. In adults, hernia occurs because of the high pressure in the abdominal cavity and the abdominal wall muscle weakness due to age factor.
Increased pressure in the abdomen can be caused by a chronic cough, constipation, an enlarged prostate in men, and people who often transport goods berat.Penyakit hernia increases with the addition of age. It can be caused by a weakening of support networks or due to intestinal disease that causes increased pressure in the abdomen.
Actually, a lot of people who know about the early symptoms of hernia, but often do not realize it. At first, the symptoms experienced by the patient is in the form of a lump in the groin complaint. It will usually arise when standing, coughing, sneezing, straining or lifting heavy items. Lumps and pain will disappear when the patient was lying.
Hernias can be dangerous when it occurs by ring clasps hernia hernia contents. The blood vessels in the area will eventually die and there will be accumulation of toxins. If allowed to continue, then the poison will be spread throughout the abdominal area which can cause infection in the body.
Actually, not all hernias should be operated. If the herniated tissue can still put it back, then the action is just using a brace or corset to keep the contents of the hernia that has been repositioned. In children or infants, spontaneous repositioning can occur because the ring hernia in children is more elastic. When it can not be repositioned, then the only thing to be done is through surgery.
Beware LUMP IN THIGH and navel
The emergence of the lump could be a sign that the baby is suffering from hernia.Banyak people who still think that the hernia only affects adults, especially the elderly. And the little one was a baby can also experience it. Case infants hernia even recorded quite a lot. It was also said by dr. Cosmas Gora Triaswhoro, Sp.B., despite its name seem quite beautiful, hernia it can cause harm. If you continue silenced without proper treatment, it can even lead to severe complications until death.
Furthermore, the surgeon of the Hospital Partners International Jakarta is added, a hernia is a protrusion of contents form a cavity through a defect or a weak part of the wall cavity is concerned. If there is in the stomach, stomach contents can protrude through a weak section. Most prominent is the intestinal organs.
Hernia is not a hereditary disease. The process is different hernia in infants with hernias in adults usually occurs because of weakness of the abdominal wall. As for the baby, hernia that occurs in the abdomen due to congenital disease or congenital.
In general there are two types of hernia, namely internal and external.
* Internal hernias are in the body and can not be seen by naked eye. Diaphragmatic hernia hernia example where the result of a gap in the diaphragm (the muscle separating the abdomen to the chest) because of the formation of the diaphragm is not perfect. Another example is the esophageal hiatal hernia, the hernia occurs through the entry slit of the esophagus that entered the chest cavity, and many other types.
* External Hernia. From this type of hernia is the most common inguinal hernia that appears in the groin and umbilical hernia that appears in the navel area. Babies generally external hernia could be detected by naked eye because it looks directly.
The process of external hernias in infants are usually caused by congenital disease, which is a disease that occurs when a baby in the womb and generally no known cause. In general, boys more often than girls hernia because the decrease in testis / testes which lasted more complex reproductive organs.
Hernia is more common in premature babies, because at the time of his birth and the formation process of testicular descent rudimentary ligament.
Inguinal Hernia:
* In the boys occurred due to failure of closure of the sac that covers the testis. When in the womb, the testicles descend from the abdomen down and stopped when he got in the scrotum (testicle sac). This reduction process begins when the baby is still in the womb. When dropped, the testes will bring down the lining of the stomach to form a pouch. When born just months, generally the process of moving the testicles is completed. However, in some infants, the process of closing up a ligament (tissue) is not running perfectly which ultimately leaves a hole. Well, this is a hole that can later lead to herniation. If only it contains fluid called hidrocele. "In an inguinal hernia, most often found on the right, about 67 percent, the rest left," said Cosmas.
* The baby girl hernia occurs through a process like this: Like a baby boy, baby girl underwent a process of formation of the lower body organs are almost the same. However, when men experience the process of testicular descent, women do not.
Umbilical hernia:
In boys and girls umbilical hernia occurs when closing the umbilicus (the former umbilical cord) is not perfect. Supposedly, when the closure of making umbilical remain open. When this happens, it will leave a hole so that the intestine can enter the area.
* Feeling the bulge
To note, the public can only detect external hernia, due to internal hernia occurs in the body and is difficult to detect. Detecting the presence of hernias in adults are also infinitely easier than in infants. When waste water, for example, adults can feel the bulge in the abdomen that is generally more pronounced. But in infants, although there was an uncomfortable in his body, he could not express it clearly.
That's why hernia in infants is more difficult to detect and require precision parents. Although it is difficult, look and Touch sections groin or the navel of the baby. External hernias generally be known from the emergence of a bump in that section.
* Observing symptoms
Clinical symptoms usually appear not much different from diseases in general, such as nausea, vomiting, difficulty eating, and body fever. Because of that, Cosmas urged parents to immediately bring the baby to the doctor to see the symptoms before, so diagnosis can be immediately enforced child.
Symptoms appear particularly by heavy-light hernia:
1. Reponible:
Lump in the groin or umbilicus looked out the entrance (seen sometimes prominent, sometimes not). This distinguishes hernia lump of tumor is generally settled. It is a sign of the most simple and light that can be seen from an external hernia. Can be seen by naked eye and palpable, the groin and umbilicus will feel great next. While in female infants, it is often found that the next big labia. Labia is the outermost part of the female genitalia.
2. Irreponible:
Lump that is already settled, either in the groin or in the central area. In an inguinal hernia, for example, water or intestines or omentum (lynchings intestine) into the open cavity then wedged and could not get out again. In this phase, although the lump was more settled but there are no signs of clinical changes in children.
3. Incarcerata:
Lump is getting settled because it happened on the food channel blockage has occurred in that section. Not only bumps, babies clinical situation began to change with the advent of nausea, vomiting, flatulence, defecation can not, and would not eat.
4. Strangulated:
This is the most severe levels of hernia because the blood vessels are pinched. In addition to the lump and the clinical symptoms at the level incarcerata, other symptoms appear, such as fever and dehydration. If left in place too long kept the blood vessels in the area will die and there will be accumulation of toxins, which then spread to the blood vessels. As a result, there will be sepsis that germs and toxins circulating in the blood that can threaten the life of the baby. Very likely the baby will not be quiet because to feel tremendous pain.
Due to the increase from one phase to the next phase occurs fairly quickly, Cosmas suggests, bring your baby to the doctor immediately so visible early symptoms of hernia. If it is positive, although it is still very light, the baby needed to have surgery to prevent a more severe stage of disorder. "The surgery is usually done to cut herniotomy hernia sac is then tied," said Cosmas.
But earlier, during the examination, the doctor will palpate or feel the hernia contents with his fingertips, whether they can be put back into the stomach or not.
Although it happens rarely, after surgery should be aware of the possibility of a recurrence of the hernia. When relapse occurs within a few months or a year, it may be the result of the surgery is done. However, the possibility of recurrence is very small due to a technical error. Well for those of you who suffer from the above, this herb can cure Inshallah least relieve his pain.
Materials needed:
1. 1 chicken eggs.
2. 3 tablespoon honey.
3. 3 tablespoon cumin oil.
4. water.
How to mix drugs hernia:
Pour into a glass egg, honey and cumin oil and add a little water, then stir until well blended. Then drink at a time when the morning, you will feel the results in abdominal pain. And if done repeatedly will quickly recover hernia (shaft) that you suffered. Try this recipe Inshallah you recover as usual.
Hope to help and be useful for those of you who need information about How to Overcome Disease Hernia In Men and Women.
Herbal Treatment for Hernias can be very useful in the recovery of hernias infection because these remedies totally include herbal ingredients which work properly without any side effects.
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