Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Benefits of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic - garlic health can make us healthy, apart from the benefits to health, beauty face, get rid of acne, as well as smoothing the skin and so many benefits of garlic this kitchen apart from Cake Recipe ingredients, well at this time after long time not update Fitr would like to invite the readers all know what Garlic Benefits who had the unthinkable.

The following can be read whatever the benefits of Garlic.

Garlic contains many nutrients. This plant serves to maintain health and ward off disease, ranging from worms to cancer, and other degenerative diseases. Another benefit for memory and immunity, and prevent premature aging.
Garlic's reputation as one of the important components in seasoning various dishes and cure various diseases, is well known throughout the world. Garlic is one of the most important horticultural crops in Indonesia.

Almost all traditional Indonesian dishes using garlic as one of its components, namely as a seasoning and flavoring food. Parents ancient chew 1-2 cloves of garlic every day to keep your stamina and health.

Although garlic is well known in Indonesia, this plant actually is not native to Indonesia. Garlic originated from Central Asia, namely Japan and China. From both these subtropical countries, garlic spread throughout Asia, Europe, and eventually to the whole world.

Garlic bulbs comprising several cloves (3-12 cloves) are clustered together to form a large bulb, white and shaped like a top. The name for garlic is very diverse, which is garlic (UK), knoflook (Germany), suan (Chinese), pills (Korea), Ninniku (Japan), aglio (Italy), thoam (Arabic), ajo (Spanish).

In Indonesia, garlic is also known by several local names, such as onions bodas (Sunda), bhabang pote (Madura), white garlic (Minang), onion Pulak (Tarakan), lasuna moputih (Minahasa), pia moputi (Gorontalo), lasuna kebo (Makassar), take de acres (Halmahera), take bodudo (Ternate), take fiufer (Papua), lasuna (Karo), kesuna (Bali).

Since ancient times
Garlic has a Latin name Allium sativum Linn. All the word means smells and meaningful sativum cultivated. Sativum designation to distinguish it from other types of onions that grow wild, namely Allium longicurpis regal.

Family or genus Allium sebenarnva there are about 500 types. More than 250 types of which include garlic-onions. Plant garlic can be found in the herb (clustered), grows upright and can reach a height of 30-60 cm.

In Indonesia, there are several centers of garlic, diantaranva West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Type the superior garlic is grown in Indonesia lumbu lumbu green and yellow for to land on the plateau and white lumbu in the lowlands.

Other varieties are the result of the modification of the three varieties, developed in different regions so given local names, such as the type of Cirebon, Tawangmangu Santong, Sumbawa, Jatibarang, bogor, obleg, idocos (Philippines), and thailand.

Besides well-known varieties of garlic onion lanang that consists of only one clove. Indeed, garlic is garlic usual lanang growing in an environment that does not fit, so do not develop properly and only able to produce one clove. Society, believes that garlic lanang have better efficacy than regular garlic, although there is no scientific proof.

Efficacy onion recovered to prevent and cure various diseases has been known since ancient Greece. Hippocrates advocated the use of garlic to treat wounds and grievances toxic bronchitis (inflammation of the lungs). In fact, a famous Chinese old adage. If you have reached age 50 years and then eating garlic for 50 days, your age will increase another 50 years. The phrase is not true 100 percent, but it suggests that garlic essential for good health, so it can prolong life expectancy.

In ancient Egypt, the slaves who were deployed in the construction of the pyramid is always equipped with a ration of garlic so that the condition of the body stay healthy. Similarly, the Vikings were in the odyssey to conquer various countries always take garlic as a supplement to their logistics.

Efficacy of garlic as traditional healthy food has long attracted the attention of scientists. Dr. Saito, one of Japan's leading researchers on the aging process, it has been found that garlic can extend the life span of mice were maintained in the laboratory.

A study at the University of Tokyo noted, garlic is very good for the elderly. The plant is able to rejuvenate the brain and boost the immune system.

Garlic extract has been shown to suppress neuronal cell damage in the brain and can even stimulate the growth of new neuronal cells. From this experiment it was shown that old mice given garlic scored better in memory tests than those who were not given garlic.

Ration of garlic was also produced more antibodies and lymphocytes, the white blood cells to fight infection. In addition, garlic is also believed to prevent us from cancer in old age, chiefly the risk of stomach and colon cancer.

Research conducted at the University of Minnesota also shows that the chances of developing cancer down 50 percent in older women who eat garlic. Prostate cancer cells grew only a quarter of its normal speed when sufferers eat garlic.

In 1981, researchers from medicine research center at Tagore Medical College, India, reported the effect of raw garlic and fry were tested on 20 patients who had a history of heart disease. The results showed that the tendency of blood clotting in blood vessels is reduced, which is demonstrated by an increased fibrinolytic activity.

Lowering Cholesterol
Greatness consume garlic as a suppressor of cholesterol also noted in several studies. Consumption of garlic and a half to one clove a day for a month can lower cholesterol as much as 9 percent. One of the most powerful anti-cholesterol agents in garlic is ajone, a compound that also prevents blood clotting.

Research conducted by Bordia and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1981 revealed that garlic can lower cholesterol by 14 percent and increase good cholesterol HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) by 40 percent after six months.

Meanwhile, epidemiological studies revealed that the group of people who consume 30-50 g of garlic a week had significantly lower cholesterol levels than the group of people who are not of that level of consumption.

Garlic is also known to prevent heart attacks. The study involved 432 patients with heart disease showed that those who eat garlic (2-3 cloves per day) was able to survive longer.

This happens because the garlic was able to shrink blockages in heart arteries. Since then, fans have meat menu include garlic (in the form of herbs or pickled) to mitigate the adverse effects of animal fats.

Several studies have shown that garlic is also very efficacious to kill parasitic worms in the body. Garlic as an article in Aquarium Fish Antinematodal agent, November 1995, showed that garlic inhibits the growth of nematodes (worms) in the digestive tract Pterophylum scalare

1 komentar:

  1. good relevant information about garlic also health benefits of garlic . what are the health benefits of garlic for more information click here.. Health Benefits Of Garlic
